Golwg y safle yn Gymraeg

Council Meetings

The Community Council meets on the last Tuesday of every month in Meidrim Youth Hall at 7.00 pm. With the exception of August and December.

Council meetings are open to all local electors.

Public Question Time is at the beginning of the Agenda. However you are asked to submit any questions in writing to the Clerk beforehand so that the necessary research can be carried out in order to fully answer your query.


January 31st

February 28th

March 28th

April 25th

May 30th

June 27th

July 25th

Sept 26th

Oct 31st

Nov 28th


Jan 30th

Feb 27th

March 26th

April 30th

May including AGM 28th

June 25th

July 30th

Sept 24th

Oct 29th

Nov 26th


Jan 28th

Feb 25th

March 25th

April 29th

May including AGM 27th